Enter Another Dimension For Your Business With 3D Video Production

Push the boundaries of reality: Craft captivating stories in 3D to bring your products or services to life without limitations. 

Immerse Your Audience in a World of 3D Video Wonder

Step into a new dimension of storytelling with the captivating power of 3D video production. Unlike traditional video, 3D transcends the limitations of reality, creating immersive and interactive experiences that captivate audiences and leave a lasting impression.

Our team of skilled 3D artists and animators utilises cutting-edge technology to bring your vision to life. From intricate product demonstrations to breathtaking architectural fly-throughs, we craft stunning visuals that engage viewers on a deeper level, fostering a stronger connection with your brand and message.

Just Some of the Videos We could Be Creating For You:

Benefits Of 3D Video

3D video production offers a unique blend of advantages that can significantly enhance your communication and engagement strategies. Explore the key benefits of incorporating 3D video into your content creation:

Captivate & Engage Your Audience.

Immerse your viewers in a world of captivating visuals and interactive experiences. 3D video grabs attention, fosters deeper engagement, and leaves a lasting impression on viewers, making your message more memorable and impactful.

Showcase Products & Concepts with Clarity.

3D visuals provide an unparalleled level of detail and clarity, making them ideal for showcasing complex products, intricate processes, or even abstract concepts. This allows viewers to fully grasp your message and tangibly visualise your ideas.

Boost Brand Storytelling & Creativity.

3D video opens doors to limitless creative possibilities. Craft compelling brand stories, showcase your innovative spirit, and establish yourself as a leader at the forefront of technology and visual communication.

Top 3 Tips For Creating
Stunning 3D Video

In the world of 3D video production, standing out requires a strategic approach and an eye for detail. Here are 3 essential tips to ensure your 3D video grabs attention, resonates with viewers, and achieves your desired results:

#1. Start with a Clear & Engaging Story:

A captivating story is the cornerstone of any successful video, and 3D is no exception. Define your message and craft a clear narrative that connects with your audience on an emotional level. This will provide a strong foundation for your visuals and ensure your message resonates.

#2. Prioritise Clarity & Focus:

While 3D offers immense creative freedom, avoid information overload. Ensure your visuals are clear, focused, and support your narrative. Guide your viewers' attention through the scene and avoid overwhelming them with complex details.

#3. Embrace the Power of Collaboration:

Creating impactful 3D videos requires expertise in various areas. Collaborate effectively with your 3D artists, animators, and scriptwriters. Their combined skills, combined with your creative vision, will lead to a truly remarkable 3D video experience.

Do You Want To Talk To Somebody About Your 3D Brief?

Have a video project in mind but not sure where to start? Chat with one of our 3D video production experts today! They’ll guide you through your video brief and answer any questions you might have. Here’s what you’ll get from a quick conversation:

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Trusted By Incredible Brands Of All Sizes

a group of our client logos

Solupak Case Study: How We Unleashed Their Brand Story With Video

Tired of marketing that feels impersonal? Our client was too. They knew their amazing products and company culture weren’t shining through, and they craved a video with a “face” to connect with viewers.
Join 100+ Brands That Have Trusted Us With Their Video Content.
Video production services

Why Trust
WOWVI Video?

Our creative and imaginative 3D team spend their days conjuring up the most elaborate worlds in 3D for our clients.

Fast Turnaround

Video Distribution Advice
and Best Practice

We Analyse and Optimise
your Video Compaigns

Full Service, Everything
Under One Roof

3D Video Production Costs

Top 3 Considerations For 3D Video Budgets:

The captivating world of 3D video offers stunning visuals and unparalleled creative freedom. However, this intricate process carries inherent complexities compared to traditional video formats, which naturally influence the overall cost.

Several factors contribute to the final price tag of your 3D video project. The level of detail, number of characters and environments involved, and overall visual intricacy of the 3D animation significantly impact the production time and resources required. The length of the video also plays a role, as longer durations naturally demand more resources and time, leading to higher costs. Different 3D animation styles and rendering techniques vary in complexity and resource demands, further impacting the final cost. Additionally, crucial pre-production stages like scriptwriting, storyboarding, concept art, and character design contribute to the overall budget. While initial revisions are often included, extensive changes may incur additional costs.

Remember, to get a clearer picture of the investment required for your specific 3D video project, it’s vital to connect with an experienced 3D video production company. They can provide a detailed breakdown of costs based on your unique requirements and creative vision.

Our 3D Work Flow

long arrow graphic pointing in both directions

1. Think

Understanding the objectives of your video investment and developing ideas that can deliver on those results.

2. Concepts

3D is such a complex service, that's why it is so important to lock in on the script and storyboards and the look & feel of the final video.

3. Wire Frame & Grey Renders

This is where you see all of the 3D "objects" taking shape and their movements in the animation sequences before we get to final rendering.

4. Animation & Rendering

This is where you see everything taking shape; characters, objects and environments come to life with movement, colour and sound.

5. Deliver

You will receive your video in any format required for distribution online and offline. Our team will also advise on best ways to share your video with your audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Stunning visuals, engaging storytelling, and the ability to showcase complex concepts clearly are some key benefits.

Generally, yes, due to the intricate process and additional resources required for animation and rendering.

The timeline depends on complexity, length, and style, but typically takes longer than traditional video.

Product demos, architectural visualisations, medical animations, and explainer videos are great examples.

Contact our experienced 3D video production team for a tailored quote based on your specific needs and vision.

Take The First Step Towards Creating Your Company Video

Start harnessing the power of video content for your business.
‘Unsure where to start? Don’t worry, we’ll guide you through the whole process.’