The Best Product Video Maker Is A Product Video Company

If you can do something yourself, you can get it done cheaper.

But is that the case with product videos? Well, yes. Because over the last five years we’ve noticed a marked increase in the number of product video makers out there.

Essentially, this means you can create your own product videos by, for example, uploading images from your phone and using a simple editing tool to nit them together. A lot of these tools are free, too. So what’s not to like?

There’s a time and a place for product video makers

You’ll likely have landed on this blog post because you need product videos. We’re guessing you’re weighing up the best product videos solution available.

You may already be considering a free product video maker, and you’re researching your options. Before you make a decision, consider this: there is a time and place for product video makers.

By this we mean: for the good of your brand and your reputation, consider whether a product video maker really is the best option, or whether a professional product video company is the better choice.

Allow us to explain further… But first, let’s start by talking about those free product video makers.

The appeal of free product video makers

We admit it. There’s no denying the appeal of free product video makers. Some of the more well-known ones include Canva and Animoto, and they’re great at providing brands with an easy solution to creating video content.

These platforms typically offer drag-and-drop interfaces, pre-designed templates, stock images, music and animation elements to help you create videos quickly.

A quick Google search – like you may already have done – will provide you with a plethora of options, many of them free. So: Free (or cheap), you can create them yourself, and video content can be created quickly. Great, huh?

But, are they the best product video option?

The limitations of these product video makers

We’ve covered the advantages. But, now we need to cover the disadvantages. Remember – you may be won over by the cheapness of them… But that cheapness could be the very undoing of your brand’s integrity. And that’s only the start of it.

Limited creativity. Many of these product video makers rely on templates and stock content. Of course, you can probably import your own footage – and most likely you will want to do that. But while templates are convenient, they restrict your ability to fully customise the video to align with your brand’s identity. A cap on creativity could mean limited cut-through in what might be a crowded market.

Technical expertise. Even though these product video making tools may look straightforward, using them will still require some level of technical know-how to achieve optimal results. Without experience in video editing, lighting, sound design and other critical aspects of production, the video that you end up with may fall a little short of your expectations. And possibly your potential customers’ too.

Your brand’s integrity is at risk. And here’s the real kicker. You could spend minutes, or maybe a few hours, on trying to get the best product video you can create. But while free product video makers may seem like an easy and cost-saving solution, they can compromise your brand’s integrity if the videos don’t align with your overall brand aesthetic or messaging. Furthermore, if professional equipment is not used for the clips you include, your brand or product may come off looking a little… Well, cheap.

So, is it ever a good idea to use free product video making tools?

To answer this question, you have to bear in mind two things. The platform upon which your video content will be used, and the expectations of your audience.

We believe you could consider free product video makers if you want to create video content for the following:

If you’re creating short, simple videos for social media channels. Although, a caveat to this one. It really does depend on your product, your own abilities and the message you’re actually wanting to get across with the video. A short simple video that’s going to be viewed on a small screen (i.e: a smartphone) might be ok, because lower quality may not be as noticeable with less of a viewing area.

If your brand is cheap and cheerful. If you offer cheap products, at low prices, and your audience won’t expect high production values – great! Free product video makers could definitely be the way to go, to save money and build up your video marketing content.

If your audience is internal. If you need product videos to promote your products internally, maybe on an intranet or via staff training sessions, for example, a simple series of product videos created with a free tool might be fine.

Why video production companies should be your first choice

For businesses that value professionalism and brand integrity (does that sound like you?), investing in a professional video production company is the most effective way to create impactful product videos.

That’s because…

You get bespoke product video content. So no templates, no stock images or effects, and no underselling of your products. Everything is made for you, exactly as your audience, brand and products require.

Everything will be higher quality. Get the best product video company you can find onboard… And the result will be videos with superior visuals, clear sound and smooth editing – using professional, superior quality equipment.

You have access to their creative expertise. Creativity is at the heart of professional video production. These companies employ directors, writers, designers and editors who bring fresh, innovative ideas to the table. They’ll know what works and how your video content can drive sales.

Your brand will thank you. The key to great branding is consistency, and a good product video production company will understand this. Your videos reflect your brand and enhance it, without undermining it. Trust in your brand is maintained. This helps turn video viewers into customers!

Let’s talk about the product videos you need

Want product videos that work, and promote rather than undermine your brand? Investing in a professional video production company is the most effective route to the best product video content.

Want to know more?

Take a look at WOWVI Video‘s product video examples, and then get in touch. We’re a passionate team of video production experts and we’ve years of experience in creating compelling, captivating video content – especially product videos. We’d love to chat to you about the product videos you need!

Take The First Step Towards Creating Your Company Video

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