How To Make A Brand Video: 5 Steps On Getting Started

Despite the need for short-form video content for ever-decreasing attention spans, long-form video content is becoming more popular than ever.

That’s great news for brand videos.

In fact, a Wistia report from late 2023 suggested that even an hour-long video is not a turn-off for potential customers. 16% of viewers stuck with a 60-minute video all the way through. THat’s some stamina!

Not that we’re suggesting you start planning an hour-long brand video for your business, but it’s an encouraging sign that potential customers will watch a brand’s video to the end if it’s good enough.

A well-crafted brand video can convey your message powerfully, engage your audience emotionally, and elevate your brand’s presence in the market. But how do you go about creating a compelling brand video? This blog post will guide you through five essential steps to get started.

1: Decide what you want your brand video to achieve

The first and most crucial step is to clearly define the goals of your brand video.

Are you looking to increase brand awareness? Drive viewers towards finding out more about your product or service? Or simply build engagement (and the length of stay) on your website?

Understanding your objectives will guide every subsequent step in the production process. So, if your goal is to increase brand awareness, your video might focus on storytelling and emotional engagement.

2: Identify your target audience

Once you know what you want to achieve, the next step is to identify who you want to reach.

Your target audience will influence the tone, style and content of your video. A great tip is to create detailed audience personas that include demographics, interests, pain points and viewing habits.

In fact – knowing your audience is vital information across all your marketing efforts, not just video marketing. It allows you to tailor your message to resonate with them, making your marketing – and your brand video – more effective.

3: Craft your brand story

At the heart of knowing how to make a brand video is creating a ‘story.’ Humans love stories, and in fact, people retain 65% of information when it’s presented as a story.

You’ll connect far more deeply with your target audience if you craft a compelling narrative!

4: Who’s involved?

Brand videos can often cost less than other types of video marketing, because by definition they need to include your brand, its people and its offices. That saves you money on using actors or special locations when using a video production company.

Think about who needs to be involved, what their part in the story is, and how people and places will articulate your message and move the story along.

5: Choose your brand video agency!

If there is anyone who will know how to make a brand video, it’s a brand video agency. So – now you’ve planned and thought out what you brand video will look like and achieve… It’s time to choose a professional video production agency to bring your vision to life.

A reputable video production company will have the expertise, equipment and creative skills to produce a stunning video that aligns with your brand and achieves your goals.

When choosing a brand video agency, make sure you review their previous brand video work to see if their style matches your vision. Check testimonials and case studies to ensure they have a track record of delivering successful video projects.

Expect a great video agency to offer guidance on the latest trends and strategies to make your video stand out. Plus – even if you’re not sure about points 1-4 in this blog post, a great video agency will be able to help you.

And when it comes to getting your brand video out there – they’ll be able to help there, too. If it helps, this guide highlights several innovative video marketing strategies that can give your brand an edge.

Ready to tell your brand’s story?

Speak to WOWVI Video about your brand video.  We’re a passionate team of brand video devotees and we’ve years of experience in creating compelling, captivating video marketing content!

No matter how much you’ve thought through, planned or prepared for… We can help bring your brand video to life. Our number one priority is delivering the brand video you need! Find out more by clicking the button below.

Take The First Step Towards Creating Your Company Video

Start harnessing the power of video content for your business.
‘Unsure where to start? Don’t worry, we’ll guide you through the whole process.’