Simple Ways To Cut Your Corporate Video Cost

There’s no denying that video marketing is an incredibly powerful tool for any business. We’ve talked before about how investing in video production can boost your brand, connect with customers and provide tangible ROI.

But for smaller businesses – or those with a tight marketing budget – video is still a cost. And although we know that you will see benefits from using it, we understand that keeping video expenditure to a minimum may still be a priority for you.

Like most marketing activities, video generally provides larger returns the more you invest. But, there are many simple ways to cut your corporate video cost should you need to. Could hearing this make the difference between you investing in video production and not? In that case, let’s dive in…

Plan thoroughly

Let’s start at the beginning. You want to use video, but you need to keep a lid on costs. The first thing to do is to make sure you plan thoroughly. Why? Because corporate video cost can increase instantly in at least three ways if you’re not careful:

  • Your ideas evolve after you’ve signed off on the creative. Make sure you know before you go ahead with your video exactly what is needed. That means confirming with all stakeholders the style, the content and the amount of video content you’re creating. Making changes once the project has started will not only add extra cost – they could also prolong the completion of the project.
  • You’ve not taken into account exactly how much video you need. For example, you don’t realise until after you’ve started that, if you’ve just started doing business in France, of course you’re going to need the video in French, too! Or you know you want to use your video on your socials, but never considered that a four-minute video might just be a little too long for most people’s attention spans.
  • You’ve not taken into account the unexpected. You may have been a little too optimistic in what can be achieved in a day, weather issues could delay filming, or you’ve been too ambitious with what the video will look like. Admittedly, some of this will come down to the video production company and their quote – so, best to be completely transparent with what you want and expect, and also build in a bit of contingency so you have some buffer.

Use in-house talent…

You’re shooting a corporate video. It needs to be professional and good-looking, but this isn’t Hollywood. Getting your company’s staff involved as actors, voiceovers, or simply ‘background’ will reduce or potentially eliminate the cost of hiring professional actors.

Remember – your employees understand your business and industry, and will add authenticity to the video. They may need some basic training or coaching to help them perform comfortably on camera.

But, provided you enrol the right members of staff for the right roles in the production, you could end up with a very authentic video, without having to pay extra for talent.

…and existing resources

You will likely have one fantastic asset for your video: your own premises! Utilise your own office space or other readily available locations for filming instead of renting expensive studios.

Don’t just think about locations, either – what other resources will you need? Do you already have them at your disposal, or can you call in a favour from someone who does?

Keep it short and simple

Being strict on the length of your video or videos can actually benefit your business in two ways. Firstly, it can mean costs are lower. But also, remember that attention spans are short! A shorter video may actually be more effective than a longer one.

Focus on delivering your message concisely, and you’ll keep your audience engaged. Avoid unnecessary scenes or complex elements that can increase production time and costs.

Work out if any tasks can done in-house

Depending on the size of your business, you may already have designers, copywriters or marketing generalists in-house. That means your corporate video cost can probably be kept low by handling some tasks yourself. For example:

  • Graphical elements. Will your video need graphics that could be handled by your designer? For example, video start and end slides could be completed in-house.
  • Script. Does your video need a script? If your team boasts a copywriter, they could write the script. They know your business, so this should be no problem for them.
  • Storyboarding. If you are set on exactly what the video needs to look like and include, your Marketing team could even tackle storyboarding, to pass to your corporate video company.

Use stock footage

Rather than shooting brand new content, some of your video could be made up of stock footage. Although there is a cost associated with purchasing or licensing this, it could be far cheaper than creating brand new content.

It means – if you’re willing to accept footage that may not be 100% unique to you – that you can be far more ambitious with the kind of scenes your video includes, without the typical associated cost.

Negotiate bundle deals

If you do need more than one video, video professionals you enlist could offer discounts. Negotiate pricing and ask about bundle or package deals. Multiple services can often result in discounts – and don’t be afraid to ask for a customised price that fits your budget!

Consider hiring freelancers or small production agencies. They often offer competitive rates compared to larger firms. Platforms like Upwork or Fiverr can help you find skilled professionals who can deliver quality work within your budget.

Repurpose content

One video isn’t really just one video – it can be many! Maximise your investment by creating videos that can serve multiple purposes. One three minute video could be spliced into three, shorter, one-minute videos. 10-15-second snippets of those could be used to amazing effect on social media.

Additionally… You could save costs further by having a talented member of your Marketing team create these shorter edits. This approach ensures you get more value from your production costs – and greater flexibility… Just make sure, at the planning, scripting and storyboarding stage stage, you’re accounting for these shorter edits.

So… How much will your corporate video cost?

At the end of the day, any video production work you commission is going to be priced purely on what you need. Rarely is there any catch-all price, so use this to your advantage and make sure your video project ticks the boxes, within your budget.

We do recommend that you hire the right video production company, and talk to them about what you can afford, because they may also be able to help you spend wisely.

Remember, the key is to focus on delivering your message effectively while being mindful of your expenses. With these simple strategies, you can achieve professional results without overspending!

Want to find out how you can harness the power of video marketing without breaking the bank? Here at WOWVI Video, we’ll help you connect with your audience, establish your brand and help drive business growth. To get a taste of what we can do for you, check out our corporate video examples – and then get in touch!

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