Corporate Video Trends 2025: What To Look Out For, And Use To Your Advantage

While many of the fundamentals stay the same, video is a rapidly-evolving marketing tool.

It’s just as essential a tool as ever, mind – in fact, effective use of video marketing could give you the upper hand over your competitors. 

Harnessing the latest corporate video trends is vital if you want to remain relevant. We reckon there is a lot to consider for your marketing plans for 2025, so in this blog post we’re going to look at the corporate video trends we expect to be prevalent in 2025 – and how you can use them to your advantage.

1. AI will be an increasingly common resource

AI has spent the last two years revolutionising how we work. Nowhere is this more true than in marketing. In video production, it has been a highly useful tool, and in 2025 it will continue to streamline many aspects of corporate video creation.

AI can be used during the editing process, and it can also be used to help write a synopsis for your video, a script or even suggest content.

How to use AI to your advantage: Invest in AI tools that will save time within your business. Don’t forget, too, that some are free, such as ChatGPT. If you’re creating video content yourself, this will help you focus more on creativity rather than technical aspects.

Use AI analytics to understand viewer preferences and tailor video content accordingly. A corporate video that speaks more directly to your audiences will help boost engagement and conversion rates!

2. There will be a rise in interactive video content

What is interactive video content? Interactive video content is unlike traditional video in that it allows the viewer to participate in the storyline, or influence the direction the video takes. It does this by providing clickable graphics, which change what the next scene in the video will be, or polls, which allow the viewer to change the direction of the video via a vote.

Interactive video content is great because it increases the engagement with the video. Being able to influence the viewing experience should, in theory, lead to greater retention – viewers may return to the video again and again, if the experience is a positive one. 

How to use interactive video to your advantage: Incorporate interactive elements into your corporate videos to train staff, customers, or to gain insights. For example, you could include quizzes that allow viewers to test their knowledge about your products or services. This is ideal for increased engagement between your customers and your products – or to test new recruits!

3. We’ll see more corporate videos about sustainability

We’ve seen it already, and in 2025 this trend will only accelerate. Being ‘green’ is, sadly, probably more of a trend than a genuine concern for many businesses, and it’s likely we’ll see more corporate videos incorporating (or fully focusing on) sustainability in 2025. Are they actually employing genuinely sustainable practices? Hard to say, but when they’re the ones writing the script (or an AI tool is – see above!), their video can convey whatever message they want it to.

How you can make the most of ‘green’ corporate video trends: Be authentic. This may seem like an odd piece of advice, but in a sea of sustainability corporate videos, have one that shows how your are being sustainable, with facts, figures and actions. Transparency is key, and will transcend any clever/half-baked approaches that your competitors may take.

Invite your viewers to participate in your sustainability journey. This could involve encouraging them to share their own eco-friendly practices or featuring customer stories in your videos.

4. Short-form corporate videos will continue to increase in dominance

Remember that one corporate video is not just one corporate video, right? You can be creative and cut it into several smaller videos, and so on. It’s those children of the mother corporate video, though, that are increasingly enjoying the real success out in the world. 

Shorter video content on platforms such as TikTok and Instagram’s Reels continues to thrive, and it means they are solidifying their place in the digital landscape. By 2025, brands will increasingly turn to succinct, powerful videos that convey their messages swiftly and effectively.

How to let your business benefit from short-form video marketing: Focus on creating concise, engaging content that communicates your message effectively in under a minute. Consider behind-the-scenes snippets, quick tips or product highlights. Remember! The key to the success of this short-form content is the platforms on which you publish it – so ensure your social media video strategy is up to scratch.

5. Virtual reality will transform video marketing

Your cousin got a VR headset for Christmas in 2021, right? So what’s so new about it? The initial buzz around VR – as well as Augmented Reality (AR) may have waned, but that doesn’t mean it’s still got the potential to move corporate video forwards in 2025.

VR and AR technologies are increasingly becoming integral to corporate video production: more and more, they are providing immersive experiences that allow viewers to engage with your brand in innovative ways, from virtual product demonstrations to interactive training sessions. It’s not just about rollercoaster rides anymore – VR’s now a real opportunity for business.

How you can leverage virtual reality: Consider working virtual demonstrations into your Marketing Plan for 2025. Use VR and AR to create immersive product experiences. For example, a virtual tour of your facilities or an interactive product demonstration can set your brand apart.

You can use VR for employee training, too. Do plenty of research to fully understand the benefits – and ways to harness – the power of virtual reality in marketing.

What corporate video trends do you expect to see in 2025?

Corporate video trends can be hard to predict, but whatever your plans for the year are, video in most or all of its forms will be of vital use to your business.

Consider the trends above, though, and start planning your video strategies for the coming year. The future of corporate video is not just about showcasing products; it’s about creating meaningful connections and telling authentic stories that resonate with your audience! Embrace these trends and use them to your advantage, and watch as your corporate video efforts transform into powerful tools for engagement and growth.

What are your thoughts on video marketing in 2025? What are your plans, and what emerging trends are you seeing? We’d love to hear from you.

And remember – if you need a corporate video partner, speak to WOWVI Video. We’re a passionate team of video devotees and we’ve years of experience in creating compelling, captivating video marketing content… Of all shapes and sizes!

Click the button below to get in touch – and let’s start making plans for 2025!

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