Why Is Video Marketing So Effective?

If you’re already considering employing the video marketing services of a video production company, you probably already understand its importance as part of your overall marketing strategy.

Whether or not you know the true power of video marketing and what it can do for your business – understanding why it’s so effective may help you in a number of ways.

Knowing video’s power will help you understand how much of your efforts and budget should be set aside for it. Understanding why video marketing is so effective will help you fight for the budget to use it… It’ll help you win over the senior team. And, understanding what makes video work will give you better insight into how you can turn it to your advantage.

But firstly, what is video marketing?

It’s likely you’re way past the point of knowing exactly what video marketing is.

Video marketing is essentially a strategy that involves using video to promote and market a product or service. The aim of video marketing is to increase engagement online, educate customers and reach a broader audience.

Typical types of video marketing include live action videos, brand videos and explainer videos.

So, why is video marketing so effective?

Humans process visuals 60,000 times faster than text, so already video marketing has a head-start. But it doesn’t stop there. 

Video is multi-layered in its effectiveness as a marketing tool. Very much like those Victoria sponge cakes your mum used to make, one bite yields plenty of goodness, but there’s plenty more to go at. And that’s before you’ve even got to the jam and cream in the middle! Start harnessing the power of video production, and soon other forms of marketing will feel considerably less weighty. A bit like a flan, if you will.

Video is multi-sensory

Because video content can be processed so much quicker, it makes them more engaging and easier to understand. Videos combine both visual and auditory elements, too, which can create a richer and more immersive experience for viewers.

Music, voiceover, sound effects, moving images and text, atmosphere and emotion all combine to make video marketing more memorable. Your video content is more likely to leave a lasting impression on your potential customers!

Video can create an emotional connection with the viewer

Storytelling in video marketing is important It’s through storytelling that you can evoke emotions, making the content more memorable and persuasive. What can this emotion connection do? Well, via the subconscious or otherwise, it can drive consumer behaviour more effectively than other forms of content.

Bear in mind that people buy experiences and solutions to their problems, rather than simply products or services. Compelling storytelling helps tap into your audience’s emotions.

Video marketing provides the human touch

Using images of ‘real’ people in your marketing can give your business a face, and provide a deeper connection with the customer. But with video – seeing and hearing real people can create an extra sense of authenticity. It builds trust in your brand even further.

Video content is more shareable

Noticed how much video content there is now on social media when you scroll through your feed? Videos are highly shareable on Facebook, X, Instagram and LinkedIn; TikTok’s whole raison d’etre is video. And have you seen how popular TikTok is these days?!

Video posts are now so popular on social media that social media platform algorithms tend to favour video content. That in turn leads to increased visibility – increased chances of potential customers seeing your business, in other words.

All this combines to ensure video has much greater engagement rates. Post a couple of videos on socials, and see how the likes, shares and comments compare to standard image or text-based posts.

You can use video marketing in many formats

Videos can be used in many different formats and contexts, such as tutorials, testimonials, product demos, live streams and more. In fact, it means endless opportunities for creating compelling content that you can share online.

Video can be more persuasive

Showing products or services in action helps consumers understand features and benefits more clearly… That means, for you, a much greater chance of high conversion rates.

Not only that, but hook a viewer in and you can guide them much more effectively towards a call to action. Point them towards placing an order online, persuade them to sign up to your newsletter or convince them to click onto the next page; if your video content is captivating and well-planned-out, you can do great things.

…and then there are the SEO benefits of video

This shift towards video content on social media platforms – and not to mention YouTube’s huge popularity, of course, has resulted in… Google now places huge value on video content. This means that websites with video content are more likely to rank higher on search engines.

In fact, the difference is so significant, that if your website does not currently have any video content, you are missing out on a huge chunk of your market share.

More recently, Google has given increased priority to video in search results. You often see it now when you perform searches, particularly those kinds of searches where you ask a question. For example, ‘how to change a wheel’ or ‘how to make a flan.’

Oddly, though, there were very few video results when we asked Google, ‘why is video marketing so effective?’ How bizarre!

So, what does this mean for your business?

More effective marketing activities means greater return on your investment. With video, you’ve got a complete package: it helps you appear higher in search results, it grabs the attention, it delivers a more convincing message, and it builds trust with potential customers.

Video marketing, therefore, is a powerful tool in a marketer’s arsenal.

So if you’re considering video marketing, where do you go next? You can read more about the benefits of video marketing here, and here’s a guide to getting started with video marketing. Then, see what WOWVI Video can do for you!

WOWVI Video is your video marketing team based in Yorkshire and London. We’re video marketing experts who’ll help you craft high-quality videos that resonate with your target audience and achieve your marketing goals. Speak to us today and let’s take your business to the next level!

Take The First Step Towards Creating Your Company Video

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