5 Essentials Any Corporate Video Production Should Have

Corporate video production: You need it now more than ever.

However, it’s important to get your corporate video right. Get it wrong, and you could lose your audience – and potential customers. But get it right, and you’ll see the benefits in website visibility, traffic to your website – and sales.

The positive effects a corporate video has on your website are not the only reasons to have a corporate video, of course. Corporate video production offers a dynamic way to convey your message – whether you sell a product, offer a service, or something else.

So, before you’ve taken the first steps with a video production company, let’s take a look at five essentials things you should include in your video to ensure you get the most from the medium.

A clear message

Where video marketing really excels is in its ability to make the complicated clear. So make sure your plan for a corporate video makes the most of this.

Make sure you have a clear understanding of your video’s objectives and its messaging. Before you start work, define what you want to achieve with your video. Are you introducing a new product, sharing company values, or providing training? Your video should have a focused message that aligns with these goals.

This all starts with the script and storyboarding. Craft a narrative that is concise and compelling, avoiding jargon and keeping the language accessible to your target audience.

The best video production quality you can achieve/afford

Your video may be the first contact between you and a potential customer. It may be the very part of your marketing that they watch, take in, and use to make a decision on whether they should buy from you or not.

And since first impressions are everything, your corporate video production needs to meet high standards of quality that your audience will expect. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Picture quality: Crisp, clear high definition video is really the only way to do it – with very few exceptions (we cover this a little bit in this blog post).
  • Sound quality: Likewise, people need to be able to hear voice-overs. Background noise and poor sound quality can distract from your message and diminish the video’s impact.
  • Post production: Filming the video is one thing – but pulling it all together convincingly is really important, too. Smooth transitions, appropriate music, and polished editing are vital for a professional finish and will help maintain viewer engagement.

Visuals that tie in with your company branding

Company branding only really works when there is complete consistency, and that includes your video marketing, too.

When it comes to your corporate video, integrate your company’s branding: logos, colours and fonts. It means that, when potential customers watch your video, they’ll identify it as being you, and part of your overall company look and image.

Consistent branding is essential for building trust, making your company memorable, and turning potential customers into long-term advocates. Brand consistency is vital to stick to in general… But that’s a conversation for another day!

A beginning, middle and end

No matter what your message is, and no matter what your corporate video includes, viewers need to be taken on a journey.

This applies to even the simplest of corporate video production projects. This’ll help to keep your viewers hooked, and, done correctly, should segue seamlessly into your call to action (see below!). We cover more about this in our storytelling in video marketing blog post.

A strong call to action at the end

Every corporate video should end with a clear call to action, or CTA. This is where you guide your viewers on what to do next. Whether it’s visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter or contacting your sales team, a well-defined CTA will help create leads, and in turn, conversions.

Corporate video production: West Yorkshire’s leading experts can help you!

The best way to ensure your video marketing provides true ROI for your business is to enlist the experts.

WOWVI Video specialise in delivering the best corporate video production services that tick the boxes we’ve outlined in this blog post. Based in West Yorkshire, we cover the whole of Yorkshire and the UK. We’ve years of experience in creating compelling, captivating video content – speak to us today about the corporate video you need!

P.S A corporate video doesn’t need to cost the earth! In fact, we can tailor our services to meet your budget and objectives. Click the Get In Touch button below and find out a bit more today.

Take The First Step Towards Creating Your Company Video

Start harnessing the power of video content for your business.
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