Creating A Video Marketing Strategy: A Complete Guide

Video marketing is no longer a ‘nice-to-have’ - it should be a vital part of your plans for promoting your business and building your brand.

As we approach the end of the year, many of us will be starting to think about marketing plans for 2025. And nothing says ‘this is our plan to own 2025’ more than a perfectly-planned, expertly-prepared video marketing strategy.

There are all kinds of approaches to video that you can take. And it’s versatile, too. Plus: let’s not forget that the amount of video content consumed by people online – your potential customers – has seen incredible growth in recent years.

Video marketing doesn’t need to cost the earth, but it does have to be part of your marketing plans for next year. So, let’s dive into what, why and how…

What is video marketing?

Video marketing is a strategy that involves using video content to promote and advertise products, services or brands. It uses the power of visual and auditory content to engage audiences, convey messages and drive actions.

If you want to increase engagement in your brand, products or services, increase engagement in your social or digital channels, educate customers and potential customers, and help drive sales in ways few other marketing activities can – video’s your guy.

Why do I need a video marketing strategy?

Video content is now the centrepiece to any forward-thinking marketing plan. The power of video cannot be understated – because in 2023, 86% of businesses said they used video as a marketing tool. Thinking of posting your video content on YouTube? The video platform has two billion active monthly users. And, in 2025, it’s predicted that videos will account for 82% of all consumer internet traffic.

Pretty impressive, eh?

You don’t have to go far to find plenty more impressive video marketing statistics, and it’s why you need a video marketing strategy for your business. Whether you’re selling a product, a service, or simply need an effective form of marketing to get a message seen and heard – video’s the best medium.

What can video marketing do for you?

So you know the why, but what about the how? As in, how does video marketing work so well? This blog post explains why video marketing is so effective. But, if you’d rather stay on this page than start reading another fantastic WOWVI blog post, here’s a summary…

  • Video is multi-sensory. It combines both visual and auditory elements, too, which can create a richer and more immersive experience for viewers. And all these elements, ultimately, make the experience more memorable.
  • Video provides a human touch. It can put a face to your brand, and a human connection is a more emotional, emotive connection.
  • Video is much more shareable. Post a couple of videos on your socials, and see how the likes, shares and comments compare to standard image or text-based posts!
  • Video is more persuasive. It uses multiple elements to show how a product works, how a service is delivered, or helps customers understand why they need what you’re selling.
  • Video has significant SEO benefits. Google now gives increased priority to video in search results. You often see it now when you perform searches, particularly those kinds of searches where you ask a question.

How do you create a video marketing strategy?

Every effective video marketing strategy starts with clear goals. Identify what you want to achieve with your campaign, whether it’s addressing a business challenge, seizing a market opportunity, or bringing a great idea to life.

The kind of goals you might want to consider could be:

  • Showcasing your brand or your people
  • Increase awareness of your brand’s latest product 
  • Increase the conversion rates on your website

Once you have your goals, you can move onto the fun part: What kind of videos you need, what their content will be, and where you’ll use them. However, just before that bit…

What is the video marketing budget?

As we’ve already said, video content doesn’t need to cost the earth. But it’s important to define what the budget is for video within your overall marketing strategy and budget.

You might want to consider the impact of new video content versus the impact of other activities that you may be using marketing budget for. For example:

  • You might be planning to attend a trade show, which will use £10,000 of your marketing budget and will be expected to bag you £50,000 worth of leads for Sales to follow up.
  • You may be planning email marketing campaigns, which may be £5,000 throughout the year but will return £15,000 worth of leads.
  • Your marketing plan for 2025 might include £10,000 of print advertising, from which you expect to see £15,000 worth of leads.

Of course, it’s hard to always put a figure on exactly what the ROI will be from any given marketing activity; often, it’s purely ‘brand awareness’ that you may expect, or indeed get. But if you’re able to access historic data and determine the return on your investment from marketing activities, you may want to do something similar with video.

Obviously, this will depend on how you’re using the video content.

For example, if you plan to add five new videos to five product pages on your website, and you have measured the number of enquiries for those products through your website in the past, you can set a rough target for number of leads after the videos have been added.

This will get easier the more video content you use and can track the benefit of… More on this later!

Working out a rough target may then help you decide how much you’re prepared to spend on video marketing in 2025. Ensuring effective spend requires careful planning. If you need help with that, WOWVI Video is more than happy to provide you with guidance and assistance at this stage of planning your video marketing strategy for 2025.

What should a video marketing strategy include?

So: you know what you need video for, and you know how much you want to spend. Now, it’s time to look at:

  • Target audience. Who do you want to see your videos? What are their preferences, interests, and where do they consume video content? This helps in creating videos that resonate with them.
  • Types of video needed. Based on your goals, audience (and your budget!) – what types of video do you need? Get some inspiration here, and add the types of video you need to your plan.
  • Video production plan. When do you plan to produce your videos – and get them out there? Outline the production process, including scripting, storyboarding, shooting and editing… Bearing in mind that there may be some videos you do in-house, and some that are created for you by a professional video production company (like us!).
  • The distribution channels. This is a BIG part of a video marketing strategy – because getting this right or wrong will have a huge impact on the effectiveness of your videos. It’s so important, in fact, that we’ve given it its own section…

How should video content be distributed?

It’s important to understand the importance of choosing the right distribution channels to get your video content in front of customers and potential customers. Getting it right will send your engagement into the stratosphere; and get it wrong… Your videos views will bomb.

You’ve spent all that time, money and effort on video production! So now, to truly reap the rewards of your video content, you need a robust video distribution strategy. So, here’s what we recommend you include:

  • Ensure your videos are placed in prominent positions on your website. Think about where and when you want the videos to be seen. Aim to have video content prominently featured on your homepage, landing pages and key blog posts.
  • Add your videos to YouTube. If you haven’t got one already, set up a YouTube account for your business. Don’t forget those two billion active monthly users! Fill your channel with great content, that’s properly-optimised, with compelling titles, insightful descriptions – and eye-catching thumbnails.
  • Make sure people find your videos through Google searches. Use relevant keywords in your video title, description and adjacent website text to maximise SEO impact.
  • Create tailored content for social channels. Which social channels will you use for your new video content? Tailor your video for each social media platform. Short, catchy edits for Instagram Reels or TikTok, and longer, informative versions for LinkedIn.
  • Make sure you post video content regularly! Schedule multiple posts over time to maximise reach and maintain audience engagement.
  • Where else will you promote your video content? Think email campaigns, personal emails and even Google Ads. Videos can be embedded in marketing emails; you can provide Sales and Customer Service with videos to use when engaging with customers and enquiries; and Google allows you to add video clips to PPC campaigns, and you may want to try YouTube advertising, too.
  • One video really isn’t just one video. We touched upon tailoring your social media videos – but you can go further, creating shorter or longer edits of different videos for standalone marketing campaigns – whether that’s email, website, social or even partnerships with other businesses willing to use your video content.

Create, test, optimise, repeat

So you’ve built your video marketing strategy, and it’s been approved by senior management. Now – it’s time to start working on the detail!

That detail could include writing the scripts, planning out what each video may look like, and getting video production companies onboard.

The video content you put out there needs to be properly tracked and monitored. Keep a record of views, comments, shares, clicks, responses and any other metrics you can get your hands on. Having these insights will help you understand how well your videos are performing.

You may also be able to spot trends – such as popularity by video type, popularity by marketing channel used, and so on. This information can then be used to help you build 2026’s video marketing strategy – and deliver even better results!

Start planning your 2025 video marketing activities

Video marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. Remember, the work you’ll be doing in 2025 will bear fruit way beyond December 31st. Video marketing can provide years of return for your business – so bear this in mind when you’re planning your activities and your spend.

If you need any help with creating your 2025 video marketing strategy, speak to WOWVI Video. We’re a passionate team of video production experts and we’ve years of experience in creating compelling, captivating video content that gets results. Click the Get In Touch button below – and let’s talk!

Take The First Step Towards Creating Your Company Video

Start harnessing the power of video content for your business.
‘Unsure where to start? Don’t worry, we’ll guide you through the whole process.’